Everyday Hero: Helping Special Needs Adults Get in Shape Physically, Mentally

11/22/2020by tonytorres0

LARGO, Fla. — Tina Tallman discovered her passion about seven years ago. Today’s Everyday Hero is making sure adults with special needs are getting in shape physically and mentally. Working in the field of physical therapy for 25 years, Tallman founded, “Me and You Abilities Academy,” to work with special needs individuals.

“I started working with some special needs little boys about seven years ago and I realized that was my passion,” she said.

After that, she began the process to create a special needs adaptive fitness program — and her direction went toward adults.

“The adults in our community really need access to fitness but also need physical therapy services with physical therapists that understand their disabilities. Understanding how to treat them,” Tallman said.

Tallman’s focus is summed up with three “M’s.”

“Being able to work with their mind, muscles, and motion,” she said.

During the past months of the pandemic, Tallman’s classes have been held virtual with many hours spent exercising and socializing with events scheduled every day of the week.

Next month, she plans to open a clinic in Largo.

“I will be opening in November of 2020 a physical therapy clinic that specializes in special needs adults,” she said.

Tallman said the years working with and forming friendships with these men and woman has been incredible.

“Once you’re a part of their world, they’re the most incredible human beings that are out there,” she said.

Original article by www.baynews9.com

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