Me & U Abilities Academy was created during 2020, a tough year of transition as the world experienced lockdowns and no live connections. We connected on zoom daily with morning coffee and really got to know each other in a different capacity. Through our digital meetups, we took part in adaptive workouts, evening games, dances, and much laughter.
Tina Tallman has been a Physical Therapist Assistant in the Tampa Bay Community since 1997. She has worked in a variety of settings during her therapy career; however, her passion is for our Friends in the Community who have Special Needs. She created a Program in 2015 to address the physical therapy and fitness needs within the Largo, FL. community which is often overlooked as they become adults. Tina realized that working within this SPECIAL population that there is a need to address the MINDS, MUSCLES, and MOTION of their bodies to achieve the highest level of function in their everyday lives.
“My dream was to create something SPECIAL for all of my Me & U Friends in our community. I am proud and happy to have the opportunity to open a therapy clinic with my teammate, Coach Anne. Together we offer services, programs and classes that are vital to the overall well-being of our clients.”
Competent and caring Physical Therapist Assistant with 20+ years dedicated career experience providing quality patient care in rehabilitative settings. Exhibits a calm and reassuring personality and employs strong communication abilities.
Associate of Science – Physical Therapy Assistant
St . Petersburg College, 1997